If you have a google account, use this link to get to the right page to start - https://code.google.com/apis/console/?noredirect

Select Services, ALL Services.

Look down the list and turn on Google MAPS Javascript APIv3.

Select API Access from left.


NOW Add you website details. 1 each line. For the maps to be viewable in your Adobe MUSE Designer you have to add the local ip address of you computer, I am pretty sure it will be 192.168.1. something, so add the line* the example here is for my docand.com website address that i use.



So it looks like this

You should now have an entry with an API key you can use.

COPY this code, from the Google page and place in the MAPS Api key.

Should you need to get to the API Console, the text in the Widget is a hyperlink to the correct pages in google.